John Parrilla Books
God, the Heart, and the Darkness: And the Correlation Between Them
God, the Heart, and the Darkness: And the Correlation Between Them
In our hearts, as Christians, we place the mighty God and his Son, Jesus Christ, in the highest regard possible. We make the connections of history placing God on his throne, and our love for God shines the golden throne to a bright brilliant finish, with beautiful angels serenading him day and night.
Yet in the real world, as we all live, life-changing moments with God are hardly described or remembered in the such grandeur. They are experienced and remembered in the depth of our deepest pain, in our darkest hours of trial and failure. As it states in the book of Corinthians, God is not of this world, and the fact that he chose to make his Son from us that Jesus was brought to us so that we could make a simple yet eternal connection between God and his children tells a mostly unspoken reality about our Creator.
The truth of Gods love for Adam is in the death of his Son. If you really believe in Jesus Christ, then there is no mistaking Gods love for you or the fact that love is the sole common bond between us and our Higher Power. We are most like God in Love. It is the emotion that God intends for us to understand above all others, so much so that he gave his Son from him, knowing how we love our children, so that we can make the connection plainly and without fail. If you, as a parent, saw your child in peril and in the dark, at the end of their sanity of her and crying out for you, where would you be?
This book is a timeline collection of writings, a visual interpretation of Feeling. A search for God from the depths of a very personal, inherited darkness. It is a faithful expression of the world we live in, in accordance with the unseen world of Emotion and Faith.

God, the Heart, and the Darkness: And the Correlation Between Them
In our hearts, as Christians, we place the mighty God and his Son, Jesus Christ, in the highest regard possible. We make the connections of history placing God on his throne, and our love for God shines the golden throne to a bright brilliant finish, with beautiful angels serenading him day and night.
Yet in the real world, as we all live, life-changing moments with God are hardly described or remembered in the such grandeur. They are experienced and remembered in the depth of our deepest pain, in our darkest hours of trial and failure. As it states in the book of Corinthians, God is not of this world, and the fact that he chose to make his Son from us that Jesus was brought to us so that we could make a simple yet eternal connection between God and his children tells a mostly unspoken reality about our Creator.
The truth of Gods love for Adam is in the death of his Son. If you really believe in Jesus Christ, then there is no mistaking Gods love for you or the fact that love is the sole common bond between us and our Higher Power. We are most like God in Love. It is the emotion that God intends for us to understand above all others, so much so that he gave his Son from him, knowing how we love our children, so that we can make the connection plainly and without fail. If you, as a parent, saw your child in peril and in the dark, at the end of their sanity of her and crying out for you, where would you be?
This book is a timeline collection of writings, a visual interpretation of Feeling. A search for God from the depths of a very personal, inherited darkness. It is a faithful expression of the world we live in, in accordance with the unseen world of Emotion and Faith.
Yet in the real world, as we all live, life-changing moments with God are hardly described or remembered in the such grandeur. They are experienced and remembered in the depth of our deepest pain, in our darkest hours of trial and failure. As it states in the book of Corinthians, God is not of this world, and the fact that he chose to make his Son from us that Jesus was brought to us so that we could make a simple yet eternal connection between God and his children tells a mostly unspoken reality about our Creator.
Yet in the real world, as we all live, life-changing moments with God are hardly described or remembered in the such grandeur. They are experienced and remembered in the depth of our deepest pain, in our darkest hours of trial and failure. As it states in the book of Corinthians, God is not of this world, and the fact that he chose to make his Son from us that Jesus was brought to us so that we could make a simple yet eternal connection between God and his children tells a mostly unspoken reality about our Creator.
The truth of Gods love for Adam is in the death of his Son. If you really believe in Jesus Christ, then there is no mistaking Gods love for you or the fact that love is the sole common bond between us and our Higher Power. We are most like God in Love. It is the emotion that God intends for us to understand above all others, so much so that he gave his Son from him, knowing how we love our children, so that we can make the connection plainly and without fail. If you, as a parent, saw your child in peril and in the dark, at the end of their sanity of her and crying out for you, where would you be?
This book is a timeline collection of writings, a visual interpretation of Feeling. A search for God from the depths of a very personal, inherited darkness. It is a faithful expression of the world we live in, in accordance with the unseen world of Emotion and Faith.
God, the Heart, and the Darkness: And the Correlation Between Them
In our hearts, as Christians, we place the mighty God and his Son, Jesus Christ, in the highest regard possible. We make the connections of history placing God on his throne, and our love for God shines the golden throne to a bright brilliant finish, with beautiful angels serenading him day and night.