
The Fazer
A Tulsa freeway, 1986

A June summer day and the heat was thick.

Looking out from a truck bed, twelve years old
He cruised out of a sunset red and gold

…mean lookin’ dude with Terminator shades

had a tough demeanor, looked like The Blade.
Big, chiseled arms that gripped the handle bars,
Swerving and speeding in-between the cars.
It cut through traffic just like a razor,

A sharp cherry red Yamaha Fazer

That bike! I thought …but I looked away quick,
Got no words with a dude built like a brick.
he glanced at a bag kept down at his lap…

a bright white Skaggs-Alpha Beta grocery bag…
he seemed relaxed but his mind kept drifting
down to his lap where contents were shifting.
I looked to the front and followed him past,
He looked at me as I looked at the bag,

and just like that… the bag fell from his lap!

He pulled in the clutch to downshift quickly!
the bike slowed way down and flew back past me.
The bike braked so hard I thought it would flip,
He yanked his head back, like fast as a whip!

In slow motion it happened, his shades dropped…

He jumped from the bike before it could stop.
He ran into traffic without a thought;
running to save the groceries he bought.
He saw the bag as it went under a car,

The fright on his face, to me, seemed bizarre.

Reaching for the bag, distraught and frantic,
couldn’t mistake the feel of his panic…
Traffic finally had screeched to a halt.
Everyone looking for who is at fault.

…he held the bag as no one expected

I can’t forget the feeling suggested,
not like a football tucked deep in his arm,
but like a father …protecting from harm.
Shock from onlookers, a statement unsaid

…as the torn bag turned from bright white to red.

The dripping from the bag was everywhere,
except the gas tank where the colors paired.
He raised the bike with a powerful heave,
A cranberry color soaking his sleeve.

The bike flew past us faster than a jet …

tears in his eyes spelled his brand-new regret.
Tail-light at dusk it looked like a laser,
screaming past on a Yamaha Fazer!

Excerpt #7

…and upon his final breath,
as his head fell upon his body
the ghost that is the Christ
descended into the darkness,
far down past the tears of Jehovah
into the depths of the underworld
where by the speed of Earths lightning
he was met and accompanied by a legion
of Heavens most powerful angels.
The general, Michael, passed to the crucified Son
the reigns of Triplehead, the mighty warhorse
sent to carry the Christ into battle.
Enraged with the fire of Gods revenge,
they rode fast Into Hell,
they charged through the gates,
without hesitance they murdered old soldiers,
they slayed the deceitful ones,
they massacred the Evil Army.
Jesus tracked the wondering Adam,
pried him from the grips of Death,
and brought him home.

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